This Week
Christmas Eve Services
Sunday December 24th
The Bridge Church Reno
This year Christmas Eve falls on Sunday. We will not have a morning service, instead we will have two Christmas Eve candlelight services in the evening at 3:00 and 4:30pm & This is a great opportunity to invite family and friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Food Pantry Update
Starting January 4th
The Bridge Church Reno
We have some fantastic news from our food pantry. Starting January 4th they will now be open one evening a month. In addition to the first and third Thursday from 8 – 10am they will now also be open the first Thursday of the month from 5 – 7pm. We have been serving around 70 families each time we open the pantry so this should allow us to serve even more. Please let us know if you are interested in helping with the food pantry, we are always looking for more volunteers. Also this month we are collecting canned chili and dish soap to stock the pantry with. You can drop it off any time during church office hours.
Pastor Search Team Update
The Bridge Church Reno
The search team is hard at work putting together a Church & Community Profile as well as a Pastor Profile. These two tools will help them identify what we are looking for in our next Senior Pastor. As they are working on this important step in the process we ask that you would pray for the following. That the true needs of the congregation and our community will come to the surface as the church staff and committee seek the Lord about what is next for our church. And also that no personal agenda would surface, but only the will of the Lord as the pastor search committee and staff seek what He has next for the congregation and our community. For pastor search updates you can always go to
Sunday December 24th
The Bridge Church Reno
This year Christmas Eve falls on Sunday. We will not have a morning service, instead we will have two Christmas Eve candlelight services in the evening at 3:00 and 4:30pm & This is a great opportunity to invite family and friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Food Pantry Update
Starting January 4th
The Bridge Church Reno
We have some fantastic news from our food pantry. Starting January 4th they will now be open one evening a month. In addition to the first and third Thursday from 8 – 10am they will now also be open the first Thursday of the month from 5 – 7pm. We have been serving around 70 families each time we open the pantry so this should allow us to serve even more. Please let us know if you are interested in helping with the food pantry, we are always looking for more volunteers. Also this month we are collecting canned chili and dish soap to stock the pantry with. You can drop it off any time during church office hours.
Pastor Search Team Update
The Bridge Church Reno
The search team is hard at work putting together a Church & Community Profile as well as a Pastor Profile. These two tools will help them identify what we are looking for in our next Senior Pastor. As they are working on this important step in the process we ask that you would pray for the following. That the true needs of the congregation and our community will come to the surface as the church staff and committee seek the Lord about what is next for our church. And also that no personal agenda would surface, but only the will of the Lord as the pastor search committee and staff seek what He has next for the congregation and our community. For pastor search updates you can always go to
Message Notes
Christmas Choir Performance
Today, we will be celebrating and worshiping the lord together during our Choirs Christmas performance.
Small Groups Talk About It
- What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
- When it comes to the Christmas Story, do you believe Joseph or Mary had the most challenging situation to face? Why?
- Have you ever had a time when your hopes and dreams were crushed? What were you feeling and how did you respond?
- Read Matthew 1:18. How do you think Joseph found out about Mary?
- Read Matthew 1:19. What do we learn about Joseph in this passage? How important was “being righteous†to Joseph? What do we learn from how he approached righteousness in this situation?
- Read Matthew 1:20-25. Why did the angel’s appear now? What stands out about the message to Joseph? What was Joseph’s response to the angel’s message?
- How did Joseph’s obedience cause him to face rejection? Have you ever faced rejection beause you obeyed Jesus?
- How did Joseph’s obedience lead to him losing independence? Does following Jesus today mean we give up our independence? Read and discuss Luke 9:23.
- Do you believe admitting you are a sinner takes courage?
- Where can we find the courage and motivation to follow Jesus today?