Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

About Kids Kingdom
Nursery care is provided for the little ones, newborn through 36 months. It’s never too early for a child to experience the love of Jesus. We have a caring and secure environment where these little ones can relax and play while their parents worship. The Nursery is open in conjunction with all Sunday worship services. The Nursery is available for our 10:30 am service at this time. Doors open 10 minutes before the service starts.
Kids Kingdom
Kids Kingdom is an amazing place for children age 4 through the 5th grade to meet Jesus Christ and to grow spiritually. We want kids to see how God’s Word fits into their lives, to learn how to talk to Him, and to build friendships that will last. It’s a fun, fast-paced environment where kids discover how the Bible applies to their lives. During the large group experience, kids have a chance to make lasting connections with other kids through interactive game time, worship through music and occasional role play designed to teach them easy to remember lessons based on our core beliefs. The personal application of the lesson is continued in small groups where kids connect with other kids their own age and a caring adult, so they can hear about the life of Jesus and begin to understand their place in the Kingdom! Kids Kingdom is available for our 10:30 am service at this time. Doors open 15 minutes before the service starts.