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The Bridge Church Food Pantry

The Bridge Church Food Pantry serves as a partner agency to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada (FBNN).  FBNN provides a variety of food including canned goods and produce which has been donated or is available for purchase to each partner agency.  We have been serving our neighbors in the community since November 2010.  The monthly numbers of those we serve are reported to FBNN and are in-turn reported to Feeding America and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  We also partner with Reno Sparks Gospel Mission (RSGM), Smith’s, and other local grocery stores and restaurants.  During the summer months fresh produce is donated to the food pantry by FARMily, Katie’s Community Garden directly behind the church.

Our food pantry is 100% volunteer run and purchased food is funded through The Bridge Community Partnership Fund, along with the wish list donation calendar below.
With completion of a FBNN intake form our mission is to distribute free food to anyone who needs it and our faith compels us to reach out and serve those with food insecurities.  During previous months we have seen the food needs rise, with current grocery prices.  We currently serve 200-280 families per month.

We continue to thank you for your generosity on this local outreach program and the attending families are so grateful for the groceries they receive twice a month.

The food pantry is open the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 8a-10a and also from 5p-7p on the 1st Thursday of the month.  Please call The Bridge Church at 775-323-7141, if you need further information.