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Joy in a Troubled Past

Nov 7, 2021    Pastor Phil Burdoin

Our past likes to try to be part of the present. We tend to want to slip back into our former selves. We will show that true joy is ONLY found in a life entirely dedicated to Jesus. We think our past disqualifies us, but that is a lie from Satan. Satan knows that our testimony of how God saved us from death is powerful, so he tells us we are disqualified and reminds us of our past continually in the hopes we won’t progress. We feel as if we are not forgiven. God forgives and can use our past failures powerfully. You can’t change your past, but Jesus can change your future. Some believe that their past was too terrible and excludes them from doing God’s work now.

Joy in a Troubled Past
Live on Sun, Nov 07, 8:55am PST