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Joy in Death

Oct 10, 2021    Pastor Phil Burdoin

Death is painful for everyone involved. It’s not easy to talk with someone who is grieving for a loved one. They may feel abandoned by God. Death comes to all of us. The odds are staggering; one out of every one will die. As Christians, we are to be joyful in the fact that death is not the end. No matter how many times we mess up, Jesus will always be there in the end. Eternity with Him is how it ends for all believers. While we are still on the earth, apart from Him, we are called to put our worldly flesh to death with the understanding that the best is yet to come. As bad as this life gets through pain, suffering, and death, when we cling to Jesus and keep going for Him, it leads to true joy in our life.

Joy in Death
Live on Sun, Oct 10, 8:55am PDT