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Plan Ahead

May 15, 2022    Pastor Bill West

Believe it or not, God has called all of us to be rich-not in material possessions or the accumulation of money. God has called us to be rich in faith-put our Hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.We are to do good-be rich in good deeds. Generous and willing to share-these are the things that will bring us true riches in this life and the next. We never become generous by accident-generosity is something that we plan ahead and decide we will do. Paul gives great instruction for God's people about putting money and things in their rightful place. We must decide now that we will be generous with the resources God gives to us so that we will not fall into the trap that they can bring. We will address the three "P's" of becoming generous people. Priority Giving-Percentage Giving-Progressive Giving.

Plan Ahead
Live on Sun, May 15, 9:00 PDT