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This Week
@ The Bridge


Starting Point Class
Sunday September 15th 11:30am
The Bridge Reno

If you are new to The Bridge Church this is a great place to learn all about our mission and vision and why we believe God has placed us here in this neighborhood. You will learn about how we are reaching our neighborhood, community and world, you will also have the opportunity to become a member.  Please go here ( to let us know you will be joining us.

Website content update
Sunday September 22nd and Sunday September 29th
The Bridge Reno

We would like to update some of our content on our website, so on Sunday September 22nd and Sunday September 29th we will be shooting pictures and videos of the welcome center and the worship service.  You will see the photographers circulating throughout the morning.  It would be great to have lots of candid shots of the Bridge Church family sharing a Sunday morning together.  Please do not be distracted by this and thank you for being a part of representing our church to those that are not part of it…YET!

Campus Cleanup and Maintenance Day
Saturday October 5th 8am-Noon
The Bridge Church Reno

Please consider signing up for our campus cleanup and maintenance day.  It would be great to have your help in keeping our Church looking great.  We will have a number of inside and outside projects that we would love help with.  If you would like to help please use the connection card to sign up here.

Kids Kingdom News
Now that vacations are over and school is back in session, I hope to see everyone in Kids Kingdom on Sunday. I am really excited that our new pastor, Rob Ham and his family will be here officially on September 29th.  We will be welcoming his three  boys to Kids Kingdom.  Can't wait to see what God has in store for all of us. It was great to see Mike Folkers back on Sunday.  The break was not as bad as they first thought.  Our series, "Game Changer" is teaching us how "On God's team life is so much better".   We are also learning what it means to be on God's team. Can't wait to see everyone's smiling face on Sunday.  Remember to always pray for each other. -Miss Terry

Message Notes

God is For Us

In Romans 8:31, Paul poses a profound question: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” This serves as the foundation of our message today: God is for you, not against you. In this passage, Paul reassures believers that no matter the challenges we face, we can have complete confidence in God’s unshakable love and commitment to us. This truth is vital for overcoming anxiety and fear in our lives.

Paul explains that the greatest evidence of God being for us is the fact that He gave His own Son for us. “He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).

If God was willing to give up His most precious gift—His Son—then surely He will provide everything else we need. This includes the strength, guidance, and grace to overcome challenges and stay the course.

Paul continues by asking, “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen?” (Romans 8:33). The answer is no one. God has justified us through Jesus’ sacrifice. No accusation, no enemy, no hardship can condemn us because of what Jesus has done.

Furthermore, nothing can separate us from God’s love. In verses 35-39, Paul lists out all the potential threats—trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, and even death—and proclaims that none of these can ever drive a wedge between us and God’s love.

This love is powerful, unbreakable, and eternal. We are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. No matter what comes our way, we can rest in the assurance that God’s love will carry us through.

Let go of the belief that every hardship is a sign of God’s disappointment in you. Jesus is continually advocating for us. God is not holding our failures against us; He’s working through our failures to accomplish His purpose.

Trusting God means we need to embrace His process. We can face adversity with the confidence that God is using it to build something greater in us. He is for you not against you.

Respond to His invitation to participate in His mission. He’s for us so that we can join Him in His work. He wants us to succeed not just in our personal relationship with Jesus, but also in sharing our faith with others.

Bottom Line: “He Is for You, Not Against You”
As you reflect on this message, let this bottom line sink in: He is for you, not against you. God’s love for you is unshakeable, and His plans for you are good. Even when life doesn’t make sense, you can trust that He is working all things together for your good and His glory.

In moments of anxiety and doubt, cling to this truth. You don’t have to fear the future or feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges. God is with you, for you, and nothing can separate you from His love.

God is always on your side—He is invested in your success in growing closer to Jesus and fulfilling your purpose.
Trust His plan, even when yours doesn’t work out.
Rest in the assurance of His love, which is constant and unchanging.
Remember: You are never alone, and you can face anything because God is for you, not against you.

Small Groups Talk About It

Please use the questions in session one of the workbook "Anxious for Nothing."