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This Week
@ The Bridge


Church Wide Small Group Campaign
Sunday September 8th (this Sunday)
The Bridge Reno

We will be starting a 6 week church wide small group campaign based off the book “Anxious for Nothing” by Max Lucado.  These days fear and doubt are around every corner but we as followers of Jesus want to live lives that are anxious for nothing.  We are encouraging every Bridge attender to try a small group for these six weeks.  We will have a sign up table in the welcome center this Sunday so you can pick up the book and sign up for a group.  In order to get some new groups started we are looking for host homes and facilitators.  If God is moving in your heart to fill one of these rolls please email

Starting Point Class
Sunday September 15th 11:30am
The Bridge Reno

If you are new to The Bridge Church this is a great place to learn all about our mission and vision and why we believe God has placed us here in this neighborhood. You will learn about how we are reaching our neighborhood, community and world, you will also have the opportunity to become a member.  Please go here ( to let us know you will be joining us.

Witness Challenge: A four week virtual missions trip
Starting Sunday September 29th
The Bridge Reno
Our new senior pastor Rob Ham will be starting on Sunday September 29th and will introduce the "Witness Challenge."  A four week virtual missions trip.  This will be a wonderful opportunity to share the love and message of Jesus with those closest to us.  There will be more details coming soon with an opportunity to sign up and receive notification and emails that include daily devotionals, scripture readings and more.  

Prayer Team Needs
We would like to invite those who are  inspired to pray together as a team. We will meet on Sundays from 9 to 9:50a in the prayer room to pray together through the church for our different ministries, our staff and pastors, our congregation, and any other personal prayer requests. Susanne Ketring will be in the welcome this Sunday.  Please connect with her if you are interested in joining this team.

Kids Kingdom News
I hope everyone had a restful Labor Day Weekend.  We started our new series "Game Changer",  "On God's team life is better".  Can't wait to see just what this new series has in store for us. Last week, our dear friend , mentor, and teacher, Mike Folkers fell and broke his elbow.  He will be out for a while, however Mr. Roy will be teaching in his place.  Keep him in your prayers. I want to see everyone's smiling face on Sunday.  Bring a friend and remember to pray for each other. Love to all Mrs. Terry

Message Notes

God is in Control

Today, we're exploring the idea that God is always in control, even when life feels chaotic. Anxiety is everywhere today, impacting millions of people. It often arises when we feel like things are out of control—whether in our circumstances or within ourselves. But the Bible provides answers to this deep-rooted problem.

Today’s scripture:  Mark 4:35-41

We begin by acknowledging that anxiety and fear often go hand in hand, but they're not the same. Fear typically responds to a real, identifiable threat, while anxiety often imagines or anticipates danger that may never come. This distinction is important because anxiety can lead us to worry about countless "what ifs." The disciples in today’s passage felt a similar anxiety during a fierce storm at sea, convinced they were about to drown.

However, Jesus challenged their anxiety by asking, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" Jesus wasn’t minimizing their fear—He was pointing to the root cause: their lack of trust in God’s control. This story reminds us that even when we feel overwhelmed, God is still in charge, and nothing escapes His notice.

Three key points to take away from this passage:

Is your anxiety driven by a real threat or imagined worry? Like the disciples, we often confuse the two. Instead of letting anxiety about possible outcomes control us, we should learn to discern if the things we’re anxious about are real dangers or simply imagined fears.

Anxiety reflects our spiritual health. When Jesus calmed the storm, He highlighted the disciples' lack of faith. Anxiety can be a clue to what we are truly trusting in—ourselves or God. Our bodies react to stress, but Jesus invites us to view our spiritual response: Are we relying on God’s sovereignty or trying to maintain control ourselves?

God is always in control, even when life feels out of control. The disciples believed the storm was a sign that everything was falling apart. But Jesus demonstrated that nothing—no storm, no trial—is outside of His control. Just as He calmed the wind and waves, He can bring peace into our own chaotic situations.

To live free from anxiety, we must take two practical steps:

Acknowledge the source of your anxiety: Ask yourself, "What am I afraid of?" Is it a real threat or simply a possibility? Once you’ve identified it, bring it to God in prayer, trusting Him with your concerns.

Release control to God: Surrendering control to God is essential. Anxiety often stems from our desire to manage everything ourselves. But God invites us to trust that He is in control, no matter how stormy life may get.

Finally, remember that God has always been faithful. Reflect on how He has carried you through past challenges, and trust that He will do so again. Every moment, every situation—God is in control. Things are never out of control.

Every moment, every minute, every microsecond, God is in control.

Small Groups Talk About It

Small Group Question:

1 What is something that tends to make you anxious or stressed out? (It could be something small or something big.)

2 Read Mark 4:35-41, the disciples were afraid during the storm. Have you ever felt like the storms in your life were out of control? How did you respond, and where did you turn for help?

3 Jesus asks the disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" How do fear and anxiety impact your faith in God’s control over your life?

4 Think about a time when you were anxious over a situation that turned out differently than you expected. How might focusing on God’s faithfulness in past situations help you in future moments of anxiety?

5 Anxiety often comes from feeling like we need to be in control. What areas of your life are hardest for you to surrender to God’s control? Why do you think that is?

6 Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to bring our anxiety to God through prayer. How can you better incorporate prayer into your life when you feel anxious? What practical steps can you take?

7 Jesus was physically with the disciples during the storm, yet they still doubted His care for them. How can we remind ourselves of God’s presence and love during life’s challenges, even when He feels distant?

8 Reflecting on God’s faithfulness is key to overcoming anxiety. How can you develop a habit of remembering and celebrating God's faithfulness in your own life, especially during difficult times?