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This Week
@ The Bridge


Wednesday Night Youth Group is Back!!
Starting Wednesday September 4th at 6:00pm
The Bridge Reno

Exciting news, parents and teens! Our Wednesday night Youth Group is back in action, kicking off this Wednesday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm! 🎉 It’s going to be an awesome time filled with fun. games, a delicious meal, and engaging Bible study. Whether you’re new or returning, we can’t wait to see you there—don’t miss out on the fun! Ages 6th grade through 12th grade welcome.  Also, this Sunday after church we will host a youth group kick off event for students from 11:30am - 1:00pm lunch provided.

Church Wide Small Group Campaign
Sunday September 8th
The Bridge Reno

We will be starting a 6 week church wide small group campaign based off the book “Anxious for Nothing” by Max Lucado.  These days fear and doubt are around every corner but we as followers of Jesus want to live lives that are anxious for nothing.  We are encouraging every Bridge attender to try a small group for these six weeks.  We will have a sign up table in the welcome center this Sunday so you can pick up the book and sign up for a group.  In order to get some new groups started we are looking for host homes and facilitators.  If God is moving in your heart to fill one of these rolls please email

Starting Point Class
Sunday September 15th 11:30am
The Bridge Reno

If you are new to The Bridge Church this is a great place to learn all about our mission and vision and why we believe God has placed us here in this neighborhood. You will learn about how we are reaching our neighborhood, community and world, you will also have the opportunity to become a member.  Please go here ( to let us know you will be joining us.

Prayer Team Needs
We would like to invite those who are  inspired to pray together as a team. We will meet on Sundays from 9 to 9:50a in the prayer room to pray together through the church for our different ministries, our staff and pastors, our congregation, and any other personal prayer requests. Susanne Ketring will be in the welcome this Sunday.  Please connect with her if you are interested in joining this team.

Kids Kingdom News
I hope everyone enjoyed the service on Sunday. We are so blessed that God sent us the Rob Ham Family. After talking to him and his lovely wife Heather, and of course his awesome boys, I just could not help but say thank you God for leading him to us and us to him. This Sunday we will begin a new series in The Kingdom. Make sure you are here to see what Miss Crystal has in store for us. Sunday will also be Shilling Store Sunday. Have a great rest of your week and don't forget to pray for each other. -Miss Terry

Message Notes

Jesus Reinstates Peter

Sermon Summary: There is Always a Way Back to Jesus

Today's sermon is the conclusion of an 18-week series on the Gospel of John, a unique book that provides a deep and distinct perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus. John's Gospel, 85% of which is not found in the other gospels, was written with a clear purpose: to help readers believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing, have life in His name (John 20:31).

There is always a way back.

Today’s scripture John 21:1-17

After Jesus' resurrection, Peter and several other disciples return to Galilee. Peter, still burdened by his denial of Jesus, decides to go fishing, perhaps seeking a sense of normalcy or a way to provide for his family.

Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Galilee. It happened this way:  Simon Peter, Thomas (also known as Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. “I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We’ll go with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. John 21:1-3

Despite being a skilled fisherman, Peter catches nothing that night, a symbolic representation of his inability to succeed without Jesus.

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No,” they answered. He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. John 21:4-6

In the early morning, Jesus appears on the shore, though the disciples do not initially recognize Him. He instructs them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, resulting in a miraculous catch of fish. At this moment, John recognizes Jesus, and Peter, eager for a second chance, jumps into the water to reach Him.

When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. John 21:9

Once on shore, Peter finds a fire burning, reminiscent of the one around which he denied Jesus three times. This setting is significant, as Jesus uses it to offer Peter a path to redemption. After sharing breakfast, Jesus asks Peter three times, "Do you love me?"—paralleling Peter's three denials. Each time, Peter affirms his love, and Jesus responds by instructing him to "feed my sheep," symbolizing Peter's restored role as a leader in the early church.

The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. John 21:17

Peter's comeback was not based on his own determination or strength but on his willingness to recognize his need for Jesus, and accept the forgiveness and restoration that Jesus freely offers. The same opportunity for redemption and restoration is available to all who turn back to Jesus.

There’s always a way back

Small Groups Talk About It

Small Group Questions:

1  Share a comeback story if you know one.

2  Reflecting on Peter's Decision to Go Fishing (John 21:3):
•Why do you think Peter decided to return to fishing after Jesus' resurrection? How might this relate to moments in our lives when we return to old habits or ways of coping after experiencing failure or disappointment?

3  Recognizing Jesus in Our Daily Lives (John 21:4-7):
•The disciples didn't recognize Jesus at first when He appeared on the shore. What are some ways we might fail to recognize Jesus in our everyday situations? How can we become more attuned to His presence and guidance in our lives?

4  The Miraculous Catch of Fish (John 21:6):
•Jesus provided the disciples with a miraculous catch after a night of empty nets. How does this story illustrate the difference between working in our own strength versus trusting and obeying Jesus? Share a personal experience where you witnessed God's provision when you trusted in Him.

5  Peter's Leap of Faith (John 21:7):
•Peter immediately jumped into the water to reach Jesus. What does this say about his desire for restoration and relationship with Jesus? How can we cultivate a similar eagerness to pursue Jesus, especially after we have experienced failure or distance from Him?

6  Jesus' Question to Peter: "Do You Love Me?" (John 21:15-17):
•Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do you love me?" What is the significance of this question being repeated three times, especially in light of Peter's three denials? How does Jesus' approach teach us about the process of healing and restoration in our own lives?

7  Restoration and Responsibility (John 21:15-17):
•After each of Peter's affirmations of love, Jesus instructs him to "feed my sheep." How does Jesus' restoration of Peter also come with a renewed responsibility? What responsibilities has God entrusted to you, and how can you faithfully carry them out, even after experiencing setbacks?

8  Application to Personal Struggles and Redemption:
•Peter's story shows that no failure is final and that Jesus offers a path to redemption. How does this truth apply to areas in your life where you feel unworthy or distant from God? What steps can you take this week to begin or continue your journey back to Jesus?