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Message Notes

The Advocate

Today’s Scripture: John 16:1-33

Context keeps us from conning the text! To understand any scripture we have to understand the text before and after the scripture.  The goal:  to understand what God means by the text.
Context of John 16:1-33

  • Jesus is headed to the cross.
  • Everyday life revolved around the church/synagogue in the 1st century for the Jewish people.
  • Things are about to get very tough for these new Christians.

Because of their hard-heartedness the people started to grumble about Jesus.

A great mystery is about to be revealed, the Spirit of God inside of the believer!­­­­­­­

Colossians 1:26-27
26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people. 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

The Trinity of God:   The Father, The Son, The _______________________________

5 Things the Holy Spirit Does:
  • Testifies to us about Jesus
  • Shows us we are wrong about sin
  • Show us we are wrong about righteousness
  • Show us we are wrong about judgment
  • Guide us in all truth

To be considered righteous by God, Jesus has to be the center of our life!

Two possible judgments when this life is over:
  • The Great White Throne Judgment
  • The Bema Seat Judgment

Christian’s & The Bible
  • Read the Bible
  • Study the Bible
  • Discuss the Bible

Small Groups Talk About It

1.What is the context of John 16?

2.Read John 16:1-3, what do you think is meant by “fall away” in verse 1?  What is the significance of being put out of the synagogue?

3.Can we go to church and not know the Father or Jesus?  How can we know them?

4.Read John 16:4-7, who is the Advocate in verse 7?  Why do you think Jesus had to go away for the Advocate to come?

5.Read Colossians 1:26-27, what are some of the “mysteries” that the New Testament explains that were not understood in the Old Testament Times?

6.What are some of the jobs that the Holy Spirit handles?

7.Read John 16:8-11, what judgment is referenced in verse 11?  Who will be part of this judgment?

8.Read John 16:16-20, what are some of the things that may have contributed to the confusion for the apostles?  How will their grief be turned to joy?  How will Christians alive today have their grief turned to joy?

9. Why is the Bible so important to Christians?  Can you be a Christian and never read the Bible?  Why or why not?

10.Please continue to pray for the church leadership and the search team.  God is working at the Bridge Church!