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This Week
@ The Bridge


CARS Clinic
Saturday, October 14th @ 9:00a
The Bridge Church Reno

If you are a single mother or older person and in need of regular maintenance or small minor repairs on your vehicle; please sign up for our CARS clinic.  On Oct 14th at 9am the CARS team will be at the church helping with those things.  Please sign up at   Also if you have any experience doing small repairs of maintenance on cars we would love the help.
Church Campus Work Day
Saturday, October 14th @ 8:00-11:00a

There are a number of small work projects that we need help with around the church campus.  We would love it if you could lend a hand to keep the property looking good.  If you can help, please join us Saturday morning October 14th at 8am for a couple of hours and we will get these things taken care of.  Breakfast will be provided.
Starting Point Class - MOVED
Sunday, October 22nd @ 11:15a
The Bridge Church Reno

If you are new to The Bridge Church this is a great place to learn all about our mission and vision and why we believe God has placed us here in this neighborhood.  You will learn all about how we are reaching our community and world, you will also have the opportunity to become a member. Please use the connection card on the website or app to sign up and let us know you will be joining us.

Message Notes

Guest Speaker Gilbert Foster

October 82023

Gilbert is Co-Founder of When I Grow Up a Christian humanitarian organization. He is also the  Executive Minister of Growing Healthy Churches - a network of 140 churches in Northern California and NW Nevada. Driven by a love for the Gospel and the World he specializes in making people think and ask questions others prefer to ignore - especially questions about God, Faith and Life. Being a true Scotsman he leads with tenacity and courage never giving in to societal norms or those who say it can’t be done. Known for his love to debate and discuss Gilbert never stops reading and researching – some believe he is able to read two pages of a book at the same time!Educated and trained in both finance and theology he is one of the lucky to have a balanced right and left brain! A stickler for detail yet a fun guy to sit and visit with. Gilbert & Bethany have too many kids to remember all their names and reside in Fresno CA (for their sins)
Follow him at @wiguglobal

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