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This Week
@ The Bridge


Food Pantry
July 6th  @ 8:00a-10:00a
The Bridge Church Reno

The Food Pantry will be open this Thursday July 6th from 8:00-10:00am. If you or someone you know is in need of food assistance, please come by.  There are no special qualifications to receive food.  Also, if you are looking to get involved with helping with the food pantry please let us know on the connection card or at

Kids Camp 2023
July 17-20 @ 6:00p-8:30p
The Bridge Church Reno

Kids Camp is a great opportunity to share the message of God’s word with your children.  We will be exploring Noah and how he trusted God and obeyed his commands in building the Ark and filling it with all of the animals and plants.  Because he obeyed God, God found favor in Noah.  Join us for three nights with a light dinner being provided. Pre-K through sixth grade welcome.  The cost is $15 for the first child in your family and just $5 for each additional child.  There will be an information meeting for parents that want to help on July 2nd after church.

Message Notes

What Price Would You Pay

July 2, 2023

We are moving into a new series for the summer and we are calling it “Short Stories by the Savior.”  Jesus often spoke in parables. 

In this parable Jesus talks about how we should develop our value system. In other words what do we value the most? What are we placing our value in?

A "parable" is a story that serves as an example, presenting a well-known concept right alongside an unfamiliar one in a way that helps people understand the unfamiliar idea. When the story is told there are certain parts that are similar or comparable to the key points the storyteller wants to drive home.

The question is why?  Why did Jesus speak in parables?  
One reason is that some of the things Jesus wanted to teach people about where difficult to describe.  So he would use things that were in everyday life.  He used illustrations that people knew all about.

Stories are powerful and you remember them more than just facts alone. Hollywood knows this, great authors know this, great storytellers know this. They know that you will remember the details of a good story rather than just memorizing facts.

And lastly Jesus spoke in parables because sometimes they were an enigma to the people that we're hearing them. They were meant to be mysterious, they were meant to have a hidden meaning.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. 
Matthew 13:44-46

What is the meaning of the first parable? The man found something that was so valuable to him that he was willing to give up everything for it.

What is the meaning of the second parable? The man found something that was so valuable to him that he was willing to give up everything for it.

The two parables have the same meaning. Why does Jesus tell these two parables?  Because across all cultures, across all time periods, across all locations, across all levels of success, we assign value to some things.  And when we find something of great value we determine that is the thing we will pursue.]

What do YOU value the most?
Is it health, wealth, and happiness.  Is it fun?  Is it your accomplishments?  What are you placing more value on than Jesus?  

Jesus says that when someone truly gets a hold of the kingdom of heaven. That’s it.  They are done messing around with life whims and temporary pleasures.  They want Jesus, they don’t want anything else.  They are willing to walk away from everything else.  Because that’s what Jesus is worth, everything.

Small Groups Talk About It

Discussion Questions:
  1. Can you think of any short stories or movies that really impacted you?  What was it about the story that moved you?
  2. What is the most valuable thing you have ever found? What was it? How valuable would a treasure have to be for you to sell everything you had to get it?
  3. Can you think of some reasons why Jesus used parables in his teaching?  Did Jesus ever address why?  (See Matthew 13:10)
  4. Read Matthew 13:44-46. What is Jesus comparing?  Why do you think he is using this comparison.  What is he trying to communicate with these two stories?
  5. If someone asked you your top five priorities in life, what would you say? If that person looked at your calendar, your bank account, and your screen time, what would they say your priorities are? How do those priorities compare with the parable Jesus told?
  6. How do we learn to place the highest value on seeking the kingdom of God?  What are the things that you need to value less in order to place a higher value on Jesus?
  7. How do you feel led to respond to this week’s message? Are there steps of obedience you feel the Spirit asking you to take? How can we pray for you as a group?