Latest from the Bridge Church
Hey there Bridge Church Family!
Pastor Rob here, and I just want to take a moment to say how grateful I am for each and every one of you. Every Sunday, I look forward to gathering together—to experience the incredible power of God’s presence, to worship Jesus, and to grow deeper and deeper in community. There is truly nothing like it gathering together at the Bridge Church!
This Sunday, we’re diving back into our current teaching series that we've been calling, “Love Your Neighbor”, and I am thrilled to get to share a message with all of you straight from Galatians 4:12-20 that I'm calling: “7 Habits of Highly Effective Love.” This Sunday we are going to be looking at what the Bible teaches about loving others in a way that actually transforms people's lives. As we study God's Word we are going to learn about how real, Christ-like love isn’t just a feeling—it’s a way of life, a set of habits that can change our families, our friendships, and even our communities. I truly believe that this message is going to challenge and encourage all of us!
Incredible Worship Led by Maggie Folkers
Not only that, but I’m also super excited because this Sunday, our very own Maggie Folkers will be leading us in worship! She has such a beautiful heart for Jesus, and I know you’re going to be blessed as we sing these songs together:
Unstoppable God
New Creation
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Your Grace Is Enough
Make sure you come ready to praise because it’s going to be a special time in God’s presence!
Shamrock Shakes After Service! 
Also, since Monday is St. Patrick’s Day, we thought it would be fun to celebrate a little! And so, after the service, join us in the Welcome Center for unlimited homemade Shamrock Shakes!

This is just a simple way to enjoy some time together, laugh, connect, and make new friends. So plan to stick around and grab a shake (or two)!
BASECAMP – Week 2 Starts This Sunday!
As many of you know, last weekend, we kicked off our brand new BASECAMP experience, and it was amazing! This 5-week interactive class is all about discovering:
God’s purpose for your life
What it means to truly belong in Christian community
How to grow in your faith and be part of a strong church family
If you missed last week, don’t worry—you can still jump in! We meet in the newly designed “Basecamp” room (right next to the church conference room), and lunch is provided!
Last Chance for Board Member Nominations!
Finally, don't forget that this is also the final weekend to nominate people for the two open board member seats. Just a reminder:
Nominees must be official members of The Bridge Church
They must have been baptized
They must be active, regular attenders
You can submit your nominations by writing their names on the Connect Cards during or after the service. The official vote will take place on Sunday, March 30th.
We Need Each Other!
I love how God designed us to walk through life together. We aren’t meant to do faith alone—we need each other for encouragement, support, and spiritual growth.
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17
If you’ve been feeling disconnected, I want to encourage you to lean in. Make time for relationships, show up for others, and be intentional about building community. God has placed us here for a reason—to love Him and each other. I cannot wait to see you this Sunday. Bring a Bible, a friend, and an open heart—it’s going to be a great day!
God bless!
Pastor Rob
Also coming up:
Free Easter Basket Giveaway
Going on now
The Bridge Reno
The Bridge Church has partnered with Cookies for Kindness, and The Reno Arch Lions Club to provide FREE Easter baskets to those in need in our community. But that can't happen without your help. Please signup to stay after church Sunday March 23rd to fill plastic eggs with candy. Text "easteregg" to 775-363-0660 to let us know you will be there. Free lunch is provided.
New Woman's Bible Study
Starting March 31st 5pm
Our "First Place For Health" woman's group is starting a new bible study. This group meets online on Monday nights from 5 - 6pm. This new study will be based off the book A Thankful Heart by Christin Ditchfield. It's a great opportunity you won't want to miss. Purchase your book here: and email Janet at to let her know you are joining.
Kids Kingdom News:
Our Tea Party was a huge success. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. I want to thank all of our volunteers that helped out. We could not have done it without you. We are back to "Miraculous". I can't wait to see what is in store for this week. Have a wonderfully blessed rest of your week. See everyone on Sunday. Remember to pray for each other always. -Miss Terry
Food Pantry Update:
Another great month for the Food Pantry. In February we served 164 families, which included 30 new families, resulting in food assistance to 675 individuals. Thank you to Food Bank of Northern Nevada, Reno Sparks Gospel Mission, and Smith's who provide the majority of our food products to assist this large number of individuals. Our requests for the month of March are Jelly and Shampoo/Conditioner. Jesus is love and the Food Pantry team continues to love our neighbors. In His service -The Food Pantry Team.
Pastor Rob here, and I just want to take a moment to say how grateful I am for each and every one of you. Every Sunday, I look forward to gathering together—to experience the incredible power of God’s presence, to worship Jesus, and to grow deeper and deeper in community. There is truly nothing like it gathering together at the Bridge Church!
This Sunday, we’re diving back into our current teaching series that we've been calling, “Love Your Neighbor”, and I am thrilled to get to share a message with all of you straight from Galatians 4:12-20 that I'm calling: “7 Habits of Highly Effective Love.” This Sunday we are going to be looking at what the Bible teaches about loving others in a way that actually transforms people's lives. As we study God's Word we are going to learn about how real, Christ-like love isn’t just a feeling—it’s a way of life, a set of habits that can change our families, our friendships, and even our communities. I truly believe that this message is going to challenge and encourage all of us!
Incredible Worship Led by Maggie Folkers
Not only that, but I’m also super excited because this Sunday, our very own Maggie Folkers will be leading us in worship! She has such a beautiful heart for Jesus, and I know you’re going to be blessed as we sing these songs together:

Make sure you come ready to praise because it’s going to be a special time in God’s presence!

Also, since Monday is St. Patrick’s Day, we thought it would be fun to celebrate a little! And so, after the service, join us in the Welcome Center for unlimited homemade Shamrock Shakes!

This is just a simple way to enjoy some time together, laugh, connect, and make new friends. So plan to stick around and grab a shake (or two)!
BASECAMP – Week 2 Starts This Sunday!
As many of you know, last weekend, we kicked off our brand new BASECAMP experience, and it was amazing! This 5-week interactive class is all about discovering:

If you missed last week, don’t worry—you can still jump in! We meet in the newly designed “Basecamp” room (right next to the church conference room), and lunch is provided!
Last Chance for Board Member Nominations!
Finally, don't forget that this is also the final weekend to nominate people for the two open board member seats. Just a reminder:

You can submit your nominations by writing their names on the Connect Cards during or after the service. The official vote will take place on Sunday, March 30th.
We Need Each Other!
I love how God designed us to walk through life together. We aren’t meant to do faith alone—we need each other for encouragement, support, and spiritual growth.
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17
If you’ve been feeling disconnected, I want to encourage you to lean in. Make time for relationships, show up for others, and be intentional about building community. God has placed us here for a reason—to love Him and each other. I cannot wait to see you this Sunday. Bring a Bible, a friend, and an open heart—it’s going to be a great day!
God bless!
Pastor Rob
Also coming up:
Free Easter Basket Giveaway
Going on now
The Bridge Reno
The Bridge Church has partnered with Cookies for Kindness, and The Reno Arch Lions Club to provide FREE Easter baskets to those in need in our community. But that can't happen without your help. Please signup to stay after church Sunday March 23rd to fill plastic eggs with candy. Text "easteregg" to 775-363-0660 to let us know you will be there. Free lunch is provided.
New Woman's Bible Study
Starting March 31st 5pm
Our "First Place For Health" woman's group is starting a new bible study. This group meets online on Monday nights from 5 - 6pm. This new study will be based off the book A Thankful Heart by Christin Ditchfield. It's a great opportunity you won't want to miss. Purchase your book here: and email Janet at to let her know you are joining.
Kids Kingdom News:
Our Tea Party was a huge success. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. I want to thank all of our volunteers that helped out. We could not have done it without you. We are back to "Miraculous". I can't wait to see what is in store for this week. Have a wonderfully blessed rest of your week. See everyone on Sunday. Remember to pray for each other always. -Miss Terry
Food Pantry Update:
Another great month for the Food Pantry. In February we served 164 families, which included 30 new families, resulting in food assistance to 675 individuals. Thank you to Food Bank of Northern Nevada, Reno Sparks Gospel Mission, and Smith's who provide the majority of our food products to assist this large number of individuals. Our requests for the month of March are Jelly and Shampoo/Conditioner. Jesus is love and the Food Pantry team continues to love our neighbors. In His service -The Food Pantry Team.