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Latest from the Bridge Church

Dear Bridge Family and Friends,
I’m blow away by the things I get to witness here each week and amazed at how God provides.  Two weeks ago, I was informed that the building behind us (Project 150) was having trouble with the air conditioning.  That building is part of our campus and our responsibility.  After asking Jeff Turner (transition team) to look into it, he gave me the bad news.  Both the furnace and A/C unit needed to be replaced.  That is an expensive and time-consuming job. BUT then, he gave me the good news.  He contacted a company he had worked with before and they offered to donate a brand new furnace and AC unit and only charge for the installation work. That is a fifteen thousand dollar equipment donation. Incredible! AND, even though their schedule was full they put us in the front of the line and the installation is already finished!  Cool air is blowing again in project 150, thank you Jesus! God is doing some amazing things around The Bridge, and I'm so thankful everyone is pitching in to help.  Join us Sunday as we move ahead in the gospel of John and learn how Jesus is “The Good Shepherd."

See you soon,
Pastor Phil

Coming up:

Project 150 Open House and Ice Cream Social
Sunday June 23rd 2-4pm
The Bridge Church (behind the church)

Our long-time ministry partner Project 150 will be hosting an open house and ice cream social this Sunday afternoon. Project 150 is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping provide basic needs to homeless, displaced, and disadvantaged high school students.  Allowing them to focus on education and graduate from high school. They are celebrating 10 years of helping students in our area.  Don’t miss a great opportunity to celebrate 10 years of giving back to Northern Nevada’s high school students.

Kids Camp Coming Soon
Monday – Friday evening  5-8:30pm    July 8th – 12th
The Bridge Church Reno – Kids Kingdom

Join us for an adventure staring the “Unsung Heros of the Bible.”  July 8-12  5-8:30pm. We will enjoy a light dinner, music, crafts, games, and a Bible lesson. The cost is $15 per child and $5 for any additional. You can register your child for kids camp here.  We are still looking for volunteers to help and we would love for you to serve with us to make this event a success.  If you can help at all please come to an informational meeting June 30th after church in Kids Kingdom.

Kids Kingdom News: I hope everyone enjoyed Camp Wannastay on Sunday.  Come back this Sunday for more exciting times at camp.  Kids Camp is right around the corner.  We still need volunteers.  Our theme this year is "Unsung Heroes of the Bible"  If you have not signed your kids up, now is the time for it.  It will be July 8-12th, 5-8:30PM.  We will have a light dinner, music, lessons, crafts and recreation.  We need help with all of it.  We will have a meeting for anybody wanting to help on June 30th right after church.  It won't be more than an hour, so if you are interested and God is  nudging you, come on down. Will see all your smiling faces on Sunday.
  -Miss Terry