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Latest from the Bridge Church

Dear Bridge Family and Friends,
There are so many great things happening around The Bridge, let me share just two of them.  Last week we hosted a blood drive on Sunday and it was a huge success.  There was a total of eight donors. They collected six whole donations, and two power red donations for a total of 10 lifesaving units. Those units of blood with impact the lives of THIRTY HOSPITAL PATIENTS!  You guys are amazing!  Also, the pastor search team interviewed four candidates; all four were excellent, and two were exceptional!  Now that's exciting news.  Please continue to pray for the search team as they start to schedule a second round of interviews. Pray that God would make it absolutely clear who he has chosen as our next Senior Pastor.  Join us Sunday (Father's Day) and come thirsty for God's word.  We will talk about where we can find living water.

See you soon,
Pastor Phil

Coming up:

Kids Camp Volunteers Needed - We are heading into summer and that means one of our biggest kids events is happening soon. Our “Kids Camp” (VBS) will be July 8th – 12th in the evenings 5-8:30pm. There is a lot of work to be done to make this event happen. We will need teachers, people to help with games, and people to help with setup and clean up. Please sign up to help and make this event a success. Contact Terry Harper in Kids Kingdom by email

Kids Kingdom News: We are excited to be starting a new series this week titled "Camp Wannastay". In this series Scott and Ziggy will be bringing us videos to go along with our lessons and a continuing storyline each week. Come and join us as we head to camp where kids will "wannastay" all summer.  Can't wait to see all your smiling faces on Sunday.  -Miss Terry