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Annual Vote Results!

Hello Bridge Family and Friends,

I want to say thank-you to all of you who participated yesterday in our annual vote.  Here are the results: 
2023 Budget Passed - 100.0%
2023 Board of Trustees  Passed - 100.0%
*Move to a Single 10:00 am Service  Passed - 69.6%
Designation of Active /Inactive MembershipPassed - 94.7%
Meeting Notification MethodsPassed - 98.3%
Number of TrusteesPassed - 94.7%
Trustees TermPassed - 89.7%

As you can see from the results all of the items passed, including the proposed bylaw changes that required 75% or more from those voting.

*The Move to one 10:00 am Service:  The item that was the most opposed was the move from two morning services to one 10:00 AM service.  We know this change is one that will cause more challenges to some than to others, especially to those who serve in our Children’s Ministry.  I have personally resisted this change for some time but have come to believe that it is the best decision for us at this time.

Please prayerfully consider serving in the Children’s Ministry if God is tugging your heart in that direction.  Our goal is to have enough volunteers that no one will serve more than two Sundays per month, thus being able to join in corporate worship on a regular basis.  Our hope is that meeting in one service will generate more excitement, enthusiasm and growth within the entire Body and the need to return to two services before the end of the year.
We will move to one 10:00 am service beginning Sunday, March 5, 2023.  
Thanks again for your commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the ministry and mission of The Bridge Church.  Please pray with is for God’s direction for us this year as we move through the Church Assessment that is in process and as we seek to grow in our ability to Build Bridges for People to Come to Jesus and Grow in His Grace.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Bill