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Bridge News

Bridge News!

Next Sunday, March 13, 2022: Buky and Theresa Ventura, Ministry Partners from Mexican Medical Ministries will be with us for both services.  It will will be their first visit with us in several years. Buky will be teaching that morning with us. We will host an informal light lunch at 12:00 noon that day for any who have join in a short-term missions trip with them or any who are interested in finding out more about them and their work.

Praise God!!! Construction on the Welcome Center began this week. You will see many changes already taking place when you arrive tomorrow. Please be in prayer for safety and God’s favor as we move forward with this project.

This means a major part of our parking lot in the front of our campus will be unavailable for the entire building project. Beginning tomorrow, we will need to use the parking on the street, the west side of the property, far east side of the property, and the parking lots across the street.

Kids Kingdom will use the West parking lot and come in at the office entrance on the southwest side of the building. This video will give parents further instruction.

We will continue to raise funds for the Welcome Center throughout the year. We believe we will need to raise an additional $200,000.00 to be able to complete the building and be debt free. God has been so faithful to provide for us and we trust Him to continue to do so. May we be faithful to pray and to give as He directs us. You can give online here:

Financial Update for February 2022:
Budget: $45,000          Income: $36,668          Expenses: $42,002

UpComing Events:
  • Small Groups Re-start: Now is the time to join or start a small group if you are not in one.  Join now as we continue our teaching series on Jonah:  Find out more by going to
  • CARS Ministry Begins:
    • If you are interested in joining the team as a mechanic or helper, go to and send us your information and we will get in touch with you.
    • If you are a single parent, senior citizen, widow, or widower in need of some basic car maintenance, go to this link and send us your information:
  • Sunday, March 20, 2022: Blood Drive: go  to sign up to give blood that day.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we gather for worship.. We continue with our series on the book of Jonah: God’s Mercy on Display.
 Pastor Bill